Rachel Howzell Hall 978-0-7653-3636-1 Forge 320 Pages; First Printing: May 2015
while balancing two disparate story lines that are linked only through Detective Norton’s personal issues, in that, just as hers, the Chatman’s marriage had the infidelity, the jealousy and more. What it did not have are the children, the nosy neighbors, the best friends- a married couple who are a bit too helpful. The early part of the novel does plateau a bit quickly as Hall rounds out the various characters that make up Lou Norton’s life. Once the action picks up, Hall knocks through the many motives and suspects, each providing a surprising element, avoiding what could have been a dense, formulaic story. Hall’s straight-forward style and accessible prose glides through emotionally charged moments, revealing a cynical detective with a cool demeanor yet still vulnerable to the fear of letting go that plagues us all.
Recommendation: MEDIUM-HIGH
Reviewed by Guichard Cadet