The Americans (Television Series); Created by Joe Weisberg; FX, First episode date: January 30, 2013
Television Shorts
Season 1: Excellent, great character development and world building. Some events that pissed me off but I will not mention as to not do SPOILERS.
Season 2: Storyline got too ambitious and stars became super-heroish. The family dynamics kept it grounded. Plot twist in the finale saved the season.
Season 3: A push for diversity and to get more kids involved deeper. One of the biggest losses since Season 2 has been taking away Elizabeth's sexual activity. Too many storylines (operations) being juggled. First season to end without a resolution.
Season 4: The pacing was similar to season 1. The aim was to close out two storylines but one took much longer than needed. The operations became more cons than intelligence missions. Other aspects became predictable.
Season 5: The pacing has remained consistent and the family, the personal perspectives are back at the forefront. One great storyline that deals with intelligence and less superhero antics. Extending locations added a much needed international flare.
Season 6: More music video montages to speed things up. Skipped three years so there were loose ends. Great primary storyline and satisfactory ending for the series.
Recommendation: HIGHEST
Reviewed by Guichard Cadet