Review: She's Gotta Have It Created by Spike Lee; Netflix

She's Gotta Have It (Television Series); Created by Spike Lee; Netflix; Based on work by Spike Lee; First episode date: May 24, 2019
Television Shorts


Up to episode 3, I thought my review would say: Spike Lee was on some NxtLvlSht likely because he got the type of budget he's oft-deprived.

Instead I write to say: block out the storyline, the Mars character, Fat Joe's character and most of Nola Darling's musings and stage-front movements when she should be in the background.

What's left? absolutely amazing, everything from high culture art, amazing cameos by world renowned artists; location shoots in Martha's Vineyard and Puerto Rico; out of this world music and so much more.

Recommendation: HIGHEST


Reviewed by Guichard Cadet